Celebrating love around the globe

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

It is the 14th of February 2020 - the feast of Saint Valentine, a day of showing affection, celebrated around the globe by all those who feel love  - for themselves and for each other. This day of love originated in Rome 269 AD, when it was forbidden to marry for young men to make them better soldiers, so emperor Claudius II thought. When it was discovered that priest Saint Valentine secretly married couples, he was sentenced to death on 14th of february. On the same day he became a Saint in the city of love, Rome. Did you ever realise that Roma read backwards says Amor ?

From the roman empire to a digital age in the era of anthropocene - We are all part of the next evolutionary step facing major transitions and changes in our daily lives, where  computers talk, connect everything and open up to endless possibilities, all starting with 0 and 1, just like humanity started out with a woman and a man, in love. At the same time, we are in the middle of a climate crisis and living in a world where humans have a significant impact on earth's ecosystem. In this challenging surroundings, isn't the strongest love we can find on this planet in nature ? What would we be without her and how would earth look like ? When it comes to finding the right words about love, google says: “Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection and to the simplest pleasure.”

How do you define love ? Is it feeling pure joy, helping someone in need, cooking at home, being patient, stroking a cat on the street, accepting others the way they are, playing a guitar, visiting your family, practicing forgiveness, being kind, dancing in the rain, hugging your best friend, looking into someone's eyes, giving more than you get, telling the truth, taking care, swimming in a lake or hearing your favourite song ?

Love is everywhere, there is no explanation for it, you feel it. With every breathe, with every glimpse, with every sound, with every taste and every touch. We all feel it and it is the universal language that connects us. With or without wifi connection.  Love knows no borders, no gender, no limits, no lies, no greed, no anger and most of all no fear. You can not touch it, it touches you. You can not chase it, it comes to you. You cannot trap it, it captures you. You can not change it, it changes you. It lives within the moment, it is free and unconditional.

Think of how much you love watching a sunset or a dip in the sea the first time in the year. This is unconditional, it is there. There is nothing to think about, it happens - naturally. It is complete. It is simple. It is open to everyone. There is nothing to add or to take away. It doesn't need words, it doesn't need presents, flowers nor chocolate. Love is as bright as the sun and as full as the ocean. It appears and leaves, it comes and goes, in waves -  let it in and let it out.

What if we all use cutting the edge technology to clean the planet with the help of natural energy deriving from the sun and the sea, the source of all life ? There is no wrong or right. Neither are humans nor robots. No blaming. We are all on the same globe.

Let's see this day of affection as an eyeopener, a day of being together and a celebration to treat ourselves, each other and our environment with love, respect and kindness.

Leave all judgements behind, free your mind and live in the present.

From Saint Valentine to you - LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY.